
In Love with Science and Technology | Corporate High Tech | Premium Royalty Free Stock Music by royalstockmusic.com @ Audiojungle

2014-01-15 238 Dailymotion

Please click on the link for licensing information: http://tinyurl.com/n29kkxa

"In Love with Science & Technology" is a high tech electronic track dedicated to science, technology, hi-tech, innovation, inventiveness and engineering. With its precise technical dubstep- and glitch-like beats, an emotional lead synthesiser, wide pads and a moving main theme this song manages the balancing act between technical precision and human warmth. This ode to science and hi-tech fits perfectly for technology-, hi-tech- and science-related projects, commercials and product videos.

"In Love with Science & Technology" is available for licensing starting at $17. A non-watermarked version of this track will be available for download after purchase.

To preview more tracks please visit Berlin In-Ear's AudioJungle profile at:

Complete your video, commercial, game, app, film, movie, website or project with Premium Royalty-free Stock Music by Berlin In-Ear!